Morning glory vines have been used in Asia for centuries to grow morning glory plants indoors. This means that the vines need to be hung on the walls or ceiling of a room. It is also possible to grow your indoor greenery using similar techniques, but you should know a few things before making your first attempt. Here is what you should know about artificial morning glory hanging baskets.
There are two different ways you can create an artificial hanging basket. You can use either artificial flowers or artificial vines. The flower option is slightly easier to create but will not last as long as the vines. Here are the directions for creating both kinds of hanging baskets.
Artificial Morning Glory Flowers:
If you choose to create flowers for your artificial hanging basket, remove the outer leaves from the morning glory vine. This should be done before you begin to plant.
The next step is to separate the stems of the morning glory vines into individual strands by digging down and separating their roots (following the directions in this article). Once done, you can use your scissors to cut off each stem of the morning glory vine.
This will leave you with a group of individual morning glory flowers that you can then place into the bottom of your basket. When planting the morning glory flowers, ensure they are evenly spaced apart from one another.
The final step is to fill in any gaps with additional stems of morning glory flowers and then cover the entire plant with compost. This should be done before you hang it up in your room, but after you have attached a rope to the top of your basket and hung it from whatever ceiling or wall mount you have chosen. After completing this, each morning glory flower can be watered individually with a fine mist sprayer.
Artificial Morning Glory Vines:
The main difference is that instead of cutting off the stems into individual flowers, you will leave them attached as a group and place them in the bottom of your basket. When planting, be sure that you evenly space out each cluster of morning glory vines. You also need to ensure that the clusters are equally spaced apart from one another as you fill in any gaps with additional clusters of morning glory vines and then cover your entire plant with compost.
Attach a rope to the top of your basket and hang it from whatever ceiling or wall mount you have chosen. After completing this, each cluster of morning glory vines can be watered individually with a fine mist sprayer.
Artificial Morning Glory Pots:
You can also use artificial morning glory to fill in the bottom of a vase or other decorative planter. This option is not used as frequently as the others, but it is still quite beautiful to display.